
China's First Aviation Emergency Rescue Science Popularization and Experience Center Opens to Public

2023-08-24 14:08:33 来源:湖南日报


On August 22, students observed a helicopter at the Xiangjiang Aviation Emergency Rescue Science Popularization and Experience Center in Changsha. The center is China"s first aviation emergency rescue themed science popularization study tour center, including a flight simulation driving experience area, a drone emergency rescue education area, and other four functional areas for study tours. It strives to become Hunan"s first-class aviation science popularization study tour venue; provide the public with knowledge of aviation emergency rescue; improve the mass base of the aviation industry; and, facilitate Hunan"s general aviation industry development. (Photo/Gu Pengbo, Hunan Daily)

On August 22, a visitor tried her hand at driving a passenger jet virtually at the Xiangjiang Aviation Emergency Rescue Science Popularization and Experience Center in Changsha. The center is China"s first aviation emergency rescue themed science popularization study tour center, including a flight simulation driving experience area, a drone emergency rescue education area, and other four functional areas for study tours. It strives to become Hunan"s first-class aviation popular science study tour venue; provide the public with knowledge of aviation emergency rescue; improve the mass base of the aviation industry; and, facilitate Hunan"s general aviation industry development. (Photo/Gu Pengbo, Hunan Daily)

On August 22, students looked around a helicopter at the Xiangjiang Aviation Emergency Rescue Science Popularization and Experience Center in Changsha. The center is China"s first aviation emergency rescue themed science popularization study tour center, including a flight simulation driving experience area, a drone emergency rescue education area, and other four functional areas for study tours. It strives to become Hunan"s first-class aviation science popularization study tour venue; provide the public with knowledge of aviation emergency rescue; improve the mass base of the aviation industry; and, facilitate Hunan"s general aviation industry development. (Photo/Gu Pengbo, Hunan Daily)

On August 22, students learned emergency rescue knowledge at the Xiangjiang Aviation Emergency Rescue Science Popularization and Experience Center in Changsha. The center is China"s first aviation emergency rescue themed science popularization study tour center, including a flight simulation driving experience area, a drone emergency rescue education area, and other four functional areas for study tours. It strives to become Hunan"s first-class aviation popular science study tour venue; provide the public with knowledge of aviation emergency rescue; improve the mass base of the aviation industry; and, facilitate Hunan"s general aviation industry development. (Photo/Gu Pengbo, Hunan Daily)

On August 22, students attended a lecture in a simulated passenger cabin at the Xiangjiang Aviation Emergency Rescue Science Popularization and Experience Center in Changsha. The center is China"s first aviation emergency rescue themed science popularization study tour center, including a flight simulation driving experience area, a drone emergency rescue education area, and other four functional areas for study tours. It strives to become Hunan"s first-class aviation science popularization study tour venue; provide the public with knowledge of aviation emergency rescue; improve the mass base of the aviation industry; and, facilitate Hunan"s general aviation industry development. (Photo/Gu Pengbo, Hunan Daily)


编辑:田梦瑶 吴雨霜(实习生)




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